Is Tennis the Best Sport? Adults, prepare to be courted

Is tennis the best sport

If you already play tennis, you know tennis is the best sport for adults looking for an exciting & healthy way to grow older. If you’re a new player curiously lurking how to get started, prepare to be courted - hard! Adults looking for an athletic charge, a way to improve yourself & engage in friendly competition with other adults will agree, tennis is the best sport. THE sport that offers adults; movement, momentum, connections & longevity. 4 things that motivate adults on the road to a long, fun life. You don’t have to compete to enjoy tennis. It’s beauty are the ways the sport connects people, organically. The fact that it’s played year round helps maintain those connections. Adults can play the sport into old age. The added longevity tennis adds to an adults lifespan is the sweet spot. A game that’s ever evolving, just like you.

Tennis will court you at any age or level by adding; intrigue & possibility. If you're an independent person ready to connect to a creative, strategic game, {or new adventure} tennis is a great fit. If you’re looking for true love, tennis is the best sport!

Pro Tip:🌅

Adult tennis camps by playing level & travel destination click here.

Tennis is the best sport for adults for its unrivaled benefits compared to other independent sports. An active lifestyle for social adults looking for a non-contact sport. The game thrives on; movement, momentum, connection and longevity. It offers adults competition at any age or level, around the world and engages spectators and players year round.

Tennis: The best independent game

tennis momentum

tennis momentum, catch it while you can

Try comparing tennis to an independent sport like Formula 1. The focus needed and momentum swings in both sports is incredible. The lifestyle thrilling. The reaction times & calm under pressure, enormous. Knowing when to take your shot or pivot to a new lane, all on YOU, just like tennis. Formula 1 is a great spectator sport but not a lifetime game adults participate in. Tennis isn’t only a great sport to watch but a real charge to play. Every time you play, you fall in love with it a little bit more.

If you play tennis you’re no stranger to momentum. In tennis, momentum indicates which player is in control at any point of the match. There’s nothing quite like those swings in & out of your favor. Most times you don’t even know how it happened. But you know when it’s shifted. Desperate for it to shift back in your direction. It can be thrilling, nail-biting & downright painful at times, like a wobbly, courtship.

How about boxing? Women are boxing a lot now for exercise and protection. Tennis takes the swagger & movement like a boxer. They both take bursts of mental & physical stamina. But most adults prefer a non-contact sport with less risk. Boxing & tennis both take a sharp eye on your opponents next move for shifts in the momentum. But who do you know over 30 (or younger) looking for a contact sport where you win from knocking someone out?

Surfing’s another independent sport that requires minimal equipment. Surfing requires great balance and thrives on a connection to mother nature. But not necessarily to other surfers. Surfers use every body part, like in tennis. And both sports offer adults; a svelte physique, timing & good instincts. But don’t forget a lot of adults fear the water. Especially if they’re not satisfactory swimmer’s

The thrill of tennis lies in the games momentum

Tennis lessons and learning foundations will have you building good habits which build good momentum up until you crack your 1st forehand. That indescribable sensation you’ll want to feel again, the sooner the better. And this is the moment, courtship turns into love. When adults fall in love with tennis love they’re hooked.

One of my adult students in the US started tennis after having kids. At the beginner-intermediate level she and her tennis group were encouraged to play USTA team tennis. She credits her success in tennis to competition (even at a lower level). It was competing that made her focus in her tennis lessons, learn the different grips and of course, learn to play doubles. For her it made sense to put the methods (lessons) to the madness (competition). She’s now playing at a 4.5 USTA ladies team level, won national events with her teammates and made life long friends from the sport.

Your playing goal doesn’t have to be fancy. You don’t need to win a club tournament or compete at all. It could be connecting with family & new friends. Or using a great hitting session with someone as the perfect workout packed with movement, a good sweat and camaraderie afterwards. Your goal in tennis will change over time, a lot like a courtship.

Tennis: Organic connection is alive & well

tennis, the best organic connection

Tennis is the best connection.

After a raging 2+ yr. pandemic and a seismic shift in personal connection, tennis is the best sport for making personal connections. We know space is a good thing for our physical health. So is personal connection good for mental health. We’re seeing what’s happened from tooo much isolation. As the world becomes weirder & more divided, we’re missing personal connection. Tennis continues to be the best sport to meet new people, engage in friendly competition and who knows, potentially meet a new partner on-court, or at a swanky event, organically.

Player connection happens in many different ways; cardio tennis classes, tennis lessons, tennis clinics, tennis events, tennis tournaments, professional events & tennis travel. I’ve seen more than my share of intimate connections made on tennis holidays in Mallorca.

Adults adore being part of the game. It’s why they stay. You’ll know players loud and proud by their proudly show off their tennis gear, matching outfits, kinesiology tape and tan lines to show the world, they players. Ladies team match outfits alone are chosen as a symbol of who they are. And let’s not forget opportunities to travel with our new tennis friends. Explore exotic destinations, Grand Slam tennis tournaments and team travel always offer a nice bougie affair.

adult tennis camp single tennis holidays

Tennis & Longevity: Who can ask for anything more?

What other sport can offer your own life longevity like tennis can? It lowers anxiety and depression. Promotes participation which makes players happy, less isolated. Finding commonalities or intellectual connection in a game like tennis keeps players going. No matter how crazy the world gets.

Tennis helps you regulate your emotions, builds self confidence & improves your immune system. I never feel better or calmer than I do after playing tennis. Tennis delays signs of aging, promotes a stronger heart, increases balance & coordination as you grow older.

I remember giving a private tennis lesson to an 84 yr old woman who came to me for a poaching lesson, alone. She didn’t want to let her doubles partner down. But what she really wanted (she told me) was to feel the rush of pinching a point or a match win off a great poach shot.

I tell juniors to use tennis for everything they can, including a free education to college if they have the game. I tell adults to get ready for some of their best times ahead!

Like any great courtship, let the game court you awhile. It won’t be long for the excitement & activity to grab you. Take your time and feel the lifestyle with eyes wide open. If you feel inclined, take a lesson. It’s a great way to see how far off you are from where you might want to be. When the time’s right, you’ll invest a little more before you find yourself totally hooked & claim yourself, that tennis is the best sport for adult players.

So I want to hear from you! What is your best sport? What brings you to tennis?

If you’re here curious towards the game but have no idea how to get started. This fundamentals online course lets beginners know everything you need to learn how to play tennis. Get these basics down first and you’ll soar, quickly.

With love from Mallorca~